Aux États-Unis, les naissances par césarienne sont en recrudescence, atteignant un taux record de 32,2%. Parallèlement, l’obésité croît constamment outre-Atlantique. Ainsi presque un tiers des femmes en âge de procréer sont obèses. Or l’obésité constitue un facteur de risque important de complications obstétriques. Les complications de pla
La Société internationale sur le sida (SID) a dévoilé lundi les axes de recherche prioritaires. Déclarant ainsi qu’il ne s’agit plus d’améliorer les traitements existants mais trouver le remède pour guérir de la contamination du sida. La Société internationale sur le sida rassemble les chercheurs à la pointe du combat contre la
La cicatrisation de la peau est un processus complexe faisant intervenir coagulation, inflammation, migration et prolifération des cellules locales et remodelage tissulaire. S’il s’agit principalement d’une coordination entre cellules locales et cellules sanguines infiltrées dans le tissu lésé, des cellules souches provenant des follicules pileu
Si Ruben âgé de sept ans est capable de mesurer son taux de glucose et compter les glucides d’un verre de lait c’est grâce à Charlie. Charlie est un robot, développé pour aider les enfants diabétiques. Le robot est le fruit d’une collaboration entre des professionnels de la santé, des ingénieurs en robotique et des universitair
Dans quelques années, un test sanguin expérimental pourrait permettre aux médecins de déterminer si une infection est d’origine virale ou bactérienne. Ceci évitant ainsi la prescription des antibiotiques inefficaces contre des virus, selon une étude publiée mercredi dans Science Translational Medicine esx. Un tel outil diagnostic pourrait
Pascale Boistard, secrétaire d’Etat chargée des personnes âgées a annoncé la création d’un nouveau fonds de soutien. L’objectif étant d’appuyer “les bonnes pratiques” dans le secteur de l’aide à domicile. Ce fonds, d’une valeur de 25 millions d’euros sera destiné à “accompagner des serv
A post-hoc analysis of a trial in RA patients shows that biomarkers may help to identify patients at risk for progression and thus enable individualised treatment decisions. Treatment decisions in rheumatology became increasingly complex during the previous decades. According to Ronald van Vollenhoven, rheumatologist at the Department of Medicin
Most patients with non-radiographic axia Spondyloarthritis (SpA) will progress to active SpA, particularly those with elevated C-reactive protein levels. In Europe, it is widely accepted that people with non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis (nr-axSpA) share the same pain symptoms, and laboratory and imaging features as those with radiographi
A newly developed method of evaluating the impact of different comorbidities in patients with psoriatic Arthritis (PsA) can be used to prospectively identify those PsA patients at greater risk of hospitalisation and premature death. Psoriasis arthritis (PSA) is associated with multiple comorbidities, including metabolic syndrome (hyperlipidaemia
Patients with axial spondyloarthritis who respond early on therapy, show a better persistence long term. Physician´s treatment expectations do often not mirror those of the patients. “We might have completely different perceptions of what is important for patients”, explains Xenofon Baraliakos, Rheumazentrum Ruhrgebiet, Herne (Germany). For phys
One in seven adolescents with juvenile inflammatory arthritis (JIA) experience significant depressive symptoms at diagnosis. Depressive symptoms associate with worse disease and pain at diagnosis with disability over the next three years. These data were presented during a PReS Session at the EULAR Annual Congress 2016 in London. Previous studie
The prevalence of gout is increasing, despite good treatment options available. Under diagnosis, late diagnosis, undertreatment and discontinuation of treatment contribute to the rising incidence. These data were presented during an Outcome Science Session at the EULAR Annual Congress 2016 in London. ‘Gout is a disease for which we understand th
The Emerging EUlar NETwork (EMEUNET) is a network of young clinicians and researchers in Europe with the aim to improve education in rheumatology. “Our main limitation is that you have to be below the age of 40 to take part into the program”, explains Anna Moltó, rheumatologist at Hôpital Cochin, University Clinic in Paris (France). The aim of t
Being overweight and radiologic severity of knee osteoarthritis were associated with a lack of response to viscosupplementation in a post hoc analysis of a multicenter, double blind trial. Intra-articular hyaluronic acid injections are used worldwide to improve pain and function in patients with mild to moderate knee osteoarthritis (OA). “A majo
Compared to other biologics, golimumab showed superior persistence rates across different indications and patient groups. “Persistence is really the sustainability of a medication and it is essential for a successful therapy”, explains Douglas Veale, St Vincent’s Hospital, Dublin (Ireland). From 100% prescriptions, only 88% are filled, 76%
Patients with severe Osteoarthritis (OA) benefit from a combination of optimisation of analgetics and a physical training program. “We have a high quality evidence from 44 trials including over 3536 patients with OA that an exercise program can reduce pain in a moderate effect size”, says Marike van der Leeden, Department of Rehabilitation Medic
The risk on pre-malignant cervical changes is doubled in women with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) compared to the general female population. The highest risks are found in women with SLE who are treated with immunosuppressant drugs. These findings stress the importance for women with SLE to attend cervical screening. These data were present
The likelihood of achieving sustained remission in early rheumatoid arthritis (ERA) is significantly lower in patients who smoke and who are obese. Moreover, these potential modifiable lifestyle factors have a high prevalence in patients with ERA. These data were presented during an oral abstract session at the EULAR Annual Congress 2016 in Lond
En 2015, en France, le chiffre d’affaires des viandes bio a fortement progressé. Selon les statistiques de l’agence Bio, les viandes bovines ont atteint les 231 millions d’euros, soit 13% d’augmentation. La vente de viande porcine bio a elle augmenté de 5%, atteignant les 69 millions d’euros. La filière ovine est el
Le cancer du poumon est le cancer le plus courant au monde et représente la 2e plus haute mortalité par cancer. 75 à 80% des cas de cancers bronchiques sont des cancers bronchiques non à petites cellules (CBNPC). À un stade précoce, le seul traitement potentiellement efficace est la résection chirurgicale. Cependant, les pronostics sont difficil