IAS 2021
11e édition du congrès de l'International AIDS Society, la rencontre la plus importante au plan mondial concernant la recherche sur le VIH.
The 11th IAS Conference on HIV Science will be a virtual meeting bringing together professionals for the world’s most influential gathering on HIV research.
The IAS Conference on HIV Science is a biennial conference that connects researchers, health care providers, advocates and policy makers. The conference showcases critical advances in basic, clinical and operational research, highly diverse and cutting-edge studies, and a program that is open and inclusive. This makes it an essential forum for practitioners interested in overlapping themes of science, policy and practice relevant for HIV research.
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, IAS 2021 participants can access an extensive program through a user friendly digital platform. In parallel, a “local partner hub” in Berlin, Germany, will host locally-based experts according to health regulations, who will contribute to the program.
For more information about the conference, please visit the official event site here.